Quota Baton Rouge boasts a membership roster comprised of accomplished professional women who are leaders in their respective fields. Spanning diverse industries, our members share a common commitment to service, binding us together with a shared purpose. The professions represented within our ranks include:

  • Administrators
  • Architects
  • Attorneys
  • Authors
  • Consultants
  • Certified Public Accountants
  • Educators
  • Engineers
  • Interior Designers
  • Motivational Speakers
  • Business Owners
  • Physicians
  • Travel Consultants


What Quota Baton Rouge Expects from its Members:

  • Engage actively by attending meetings and actively participating in service projects and philanthropic endeavors.
  • Contribute to the organization through annual dues, meal costs, and fundraising efforts.
  • Elevate the visibility of our organization and amplify its impact within the Baton Rouge community.
  • Offer valuable insights, innovative ideas, and diverse talents to address operational and strategic challenges.


What Members Can Expect from the Club:

  • Assistance in finding the ideal role within the club that aligns with individual skills and passions.
  • Ongoing support for personal and professional growth as you delve deeper into service and career development.
  • Access to hands-on service opportunities and avenues for meaningful philanthropy.
  • Engaging and enlightening speakers featured throughout the year.
  • A community of friends who provide support without intrusiveness.

 Membership in Quota Baton Rouge is extended through invitation. To explore further and learn more about our organization, please feel free to contact us at